Benieuwd wat een haartransplantatie voor jou kan betekenen?

What are the advantages of an FUT hair transplant?

An FUT hair transplant is less labour intensive for physicians. As a result, more grafts can be transplanted in one day. These grafts (hair groups) may contain up to 4 hair roots per graft and therefore a better result can be achieved with the same amount of grafts compared to the result of an FUE treatment. A large team of 6 to 8 highly trained medical assistants, and the surgeon carry out the treatment, which makes it possible to transplant up to 3000 grafts in a short period of time (4 to 5 hours). Because the treatment is largely carried out by the medical team, the cost is lower than an FUE treatment.

Curious about what a hair transplantation
can mean for you?

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